Trump Impeached for Second time

3 min readJan 15, 2021

The con man has been impeached for a second time, making him the first President ever to receive that distinction. He stands impeached for inciting violence. Had he been convicted in the Senate the first time around he would not have been around to perpetuate chaos this time around. Gullible and brainwashed Republicans said that they thought he would learn his lesson. Boy were they wrong!

Again, for the second time, Republicans in the House overwhelmingly voted along party lines against impeachment, although 10 brave ones decided to vote YES on impeachment. Unfortunately, they have all supported the Trump agenda throughout his Presidency.

No article(s) for impeachment have garnered this much votes against a President: The tally was 232–197.

It was clear that he was going to get off scot free the first go around but maybe, just maybe, it seems that this second impeachment has rattled the embattled, soon to be former resident of the White House. Trump has released a video where he is reading kumbaya sounding words off a teleprompter completely antithetical to who we know he is: a divisive, anti-American traitor. Of course, he still refuses to take responsibility for his actions. And of course, far right extremists in all 50 states are still planning to wreak havoc in his name in the upcoming days. They know his statements were not sincere and were just uttered for formality purposes.

The Donald is trying to avoid conviction and knows that if he gives a semblance of contrition then Republicans in the Senate will be led to believe that he is a changed man who deserves a THIRD CHANCE to do the right thing, coupled with an opportunity to run for office again, and all the privileges that come with being a former President of the United States of America. This whole stunt of his is a ploy to appeal to the sympathy of Republicans and to avoid potential criminal liability for his incitement of violence. It is actually a smart move and will gives most Republicans some cover, some excuse for voting to acquit him. The only question is will 17 Republicans come forward to cast a Yes vote for conviction? Only time will tell.

Trump, along his treasonous allies like Hawley, Cruz, Mo Brooks, Gosar, Biggs, Cawthorn incited this calamity and do not feel one bit of remorse for the damage they have caused to the country never mind the 6 people who died as a result of the terrorist, seditious riot they gave the green light to. Trump waited hours before making any calls or issuing statements to end the carnage he incited. In fact, during the siege, he instructed traitor Rudy Giuliani to call weak minded Senators they thought would be amenable to convince in order to delay Biden’s certification vote. We now know that Giuliani wanted far right freshman Senator Tommie Tuberville to object to every state along with a congressman. It was basically a suggestion to attempt to finish the job the rioters started and send them a signal that they were truly fighting for the right thing. He might as well have said “Let’s do what the rioters want and don’t let Biden be certified.”

Now we see that he is trying to undo the fire he started. We should not fall for it. Shame on anyone believing that the image of Mr Rogers Donald Trump is trying to portray.

