2 min readJan 8, 2021


This is Ashli Babbitt

This is Ashli Babbitt.

Ashli was murdered by police in the capitol; Of course, she was unarmed.

Ashli was an intense supporter of Trump. Not long before she was killed, Ashli posted a video on social media where she aired her grievances and towards the end of the video, she put VP-elect Harris on “notice.” At first it seems that Ashli’s diatribe is to be dismissed but once you listen a little closely you notice that she criticizes the government and their selfishness. In this respect, I agree with her- to an extent. I disagree however on the identity of the culpable members of this mess we are in. While Dems are far from perfect, Republicans have gone off the deep end. Republicans in congress have repeatedly torpedoed efforts to deliver aid to Americans, a gripe of Ashli’s. Treasonous right wingers have for years tried to fool their followers and convince that liberals are cheating to win elections. Along with the soon to be ex-President, they managed to convince enough people that their votes weren’t being counted and got them to revolt. It is because of this that partisans rioted on capitol hill.

Many Republicans have incited riots and added gasoline to the fires created by their well-crafted prevarications.

Republicans who have betrayed their supporters by lying to them in order to keep them angry and on edge, and thus politically active. It is to push them towards violence. We all know this was done on purpose.

Republicans have unleashed an all-out assault on America’s institutions. They are prepared to undermine democracy in order to maintain power.

Trump and his enablers own this.

They got Ashli and 3 other individuals killed. She believed so much in their cause, but the election fraud scam proved very costly.

Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Mo Brooks and 130+ House Republican members have bloods on their hands and if we are going to call the rioting protestors insurrectionists, and traitors, then it will be dishonest to not ascribe those same words to the people whom they look up to and from whom they confirm their wacky ideas.

Ashli did not need to die. The capitol should not have been stormed but death was the answer. Clearly the officer who killed will not be charged. Treasonous congressmen should pay for her funeral. RIP Ashli.

