Jan 6 Chaos Fomented by President and Right Wing traitors

3 min readJan 8, 2021

January 6th, 2021 was a chaotic day in Washington DC. What happened and why? It is actually very simple.

Conservative Republicans accompanying the president of the US in his folly to overturn an election that was his to lose have managed to convince right wingnut insurrectionists to come to DC and believe they actually overturn a democratic election. Arguably, this is as anti-American as it gets but is nothing new for the current GOP.

At the behest of the current but soon to be former president Donald J Trump, a violent mob (some of which were armed) of right wingers descended on the capitol with virtually no resistance from authorities (some actually encouraged them to go in) and scared the living daylights out of lawmakers doing their job. Many legislators were scared enough to take shelter. The brouhaha temporarily halted the proceedings which would later resume in the evening and confirm that Joe Biden had indeed won the presidency.

Trump and his gang of sycophants refuse to publicly accept that he lost re-election. He has perpetuated time and time again the myth that this election was stolen away from him. This myth, or better yet, lie, has been busted repeatedly and even his election czar has gone on record to assert that this was the safest election in history. His boot licking former AG has also said that no significant voter fraud had been discovered. There was almost 0 voter fraud out of 140+ million votes. Trump simply did not want to admit defeat and wanted to cling to power even if it meant a possible insurrection and coup conspiracy. After losing the election, his lawyers went to the courts to make their joke of a case. Over 60 lawsuits brought forth by the president’s lawyers and his camp have been defeated, many by right wing judges.

Trump’s ardent supporters saw these losses as complicity by the courts in favor of a crooked Joe Biden who could not have possibly defeated their dear leader. On Wednesday afternoon, after hearing a speech from their favorite president, the Trump faithful made their way to capitol hill and forced their way in after overwhelming police. Supposedly these are people who are supporters of law and order and cite this as of the main reasons they voted for their candidate.

This was not a protest but a mob. An angry, uninformed, but resolute mob. A mob continuously fed lies by the likes of traitors like Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Steve Scalise, Kevin McCarthy, Sean Hannity, Mo Brooks, Tucker Carlson, and others. These treacherous who hold considerable sway among the Trump faithful have inflamed the passions of hyper partisans who simply want a reason to create chaos and terrorize an entire city in order to tell us how angry they are that the majority of Americans didn’t vote the same way they did.

While Trump touted the ‘’America first’ slogan, the mob he inspired did not get that memo as the number of Trump and MAGA flags outnumbered the American flags of the self-described patriots. You got the sense that some of these people were Trump supporters first and American second. It is now widely accepted that these individuals were anything but patriots. Sedition and treason come closer to min than patriotism. No patriot tries to overturn an election their candidate lost.

